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Kevin Spicka.png


Industry Technical Consultant I


Dr. Spicka has worked at ChampionX 13 years. After several years in scale R&D, Kevin accepted the role as Industry Technical Consultant in the Rocky Mountain Region to support US Land. While Kevin primarily supports chemical program designs in unconventional production basins across North America, including the Rocky Mountain, Permian, and MidCon Regions, his depth and width of knowledge in scale, corrosion, and microbiological control has him consulting on oilfield challenges across the globe. He has been involved with designs in frac, production, midstream, and disposal/injection. Additionally, Kevin supports new product development, provides customer and ChampionX employee training, and supports ChampionX customers globally through chemical program cold-eye audits and reviews.

Global Strategic Networks Limited
Address: 11 Braeburn Way, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3TU, United Kingdom
US Telephone: +1 832 775 8871 / UK Telephone: +44 7841 998 070
Company Number: 11384323
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